Even the best solutions have to be proven. You may have trusted someone to deliver once before and learned the hard way that trust must be demonstrated and earned. In order to earn your trust, we test our designs with expert user knowledge, customer input, inuitive methodology, to the limit of our ability, until WE trust them first.
From software requirements and hardware design specifications, on through final box-level and system integration ground and flight testing, our detail-oriented Quality Assurance team ensures that TFG consistently delivers high quality products, fully tested, and meeting the customer's required specifications.
We provide airworthiness testing and qualification you can trust, with customized process management for a single airframe or an entire Fleet. TFG has developed and successfully implemented a hybrid airworthiness program using DOD and commercial/FAA specifications, along with customer mission and safety requirements. This system-safety based approach provides the flexibility required to target evaluation and testing efforts to meet an acceptable level of safety using a consistent and monitored airworthiness standardization program.
We leave no stone unturned in our search
for the best solution to meet and exceed our customer's needs.
Our engineered solutions are a combination of the right blend of products and services for a given customer. This results in a complete end-to-end capability paired with the necessary support to ensure it is employed effectively.