"Tek Fusion Global (TFG) is pleased to announce that they have achieved the AS9100 certification. The AS9100 certification recognizes TFG as a compliant, reliable and preferred vendor for the aerospace industry.
AS9100 is a certification pioneered by the aerospace industry and based off the ISO 9001 certification. This standard was developed to recognize reliable vendors for the aerospace industry. Compliant companies are recognized on an approved vendor list, and this list is available to buyers, procurement and engineers in aerospace and other industries.
“TFG’s goal is to provide our customers and partners with nothing less than world-class results from all our products and services,” said Mary McDougall, CEO. “This certification continues to reinforce TFG’s culture of settling for nothing less than the highest standards of quality in our industry.”
Achieving the AS9100 is an accomplishment and TFG is proud to be a preferred vendor for the aerospace industry. To achieve the certification, TFG was required to participate in a multistep review process. The initial application was a written document that highlighted the quality management system and process. Once the written application was approved, a physical assessment was conducted. An auditor validates the compliance of the facility, reviews the implementation of the process and determines the processes effectiveness. Once achieving the initial certification, certification surveillance and scheduled audits are in place regularly. This ensures compliance and that protocols are continually improved and followed.
TFG is an engineering services company with a focus on the integration of special Mission Management and Weapons Management systems on military and civil aviation platforms. Specific services offered include hardware engineering, software development, systems integration, management and testing for domestic and international government and business-to-business clients.
Article as Published by James City County Government Website - Economic Development
Media Contact:
Amy Jordan, Director of Economic Development
757-253-6607; amy.jordan@jamescitycountyva.gov